Letter Cards sent by Cpl John Petty, 4695014, B Company, 16 DLI

These three microfilm airmail letter cards from 1943 and 1944 are all courtesy of Cpl John Petty’s great niece Fiona Wiercx. To save on airmail volumes, letters like these would be photographed and transferred to microfilm in Italy and then enlarged and printed on arrival in the UK which accounts for their murky photostat appearance.

The undated card at left below has an illustration symbolising the unity of the British, US and Free French forces in the Mediterranean and probably dates from 1943. The card at right, dated 21/11/43 is a stylised representation of the 46th Infantry Division, note the divisional ‘Oak Leaf’ flag design, fighting its way up into the heart of Italy. The card at right below is dated 2/11/44. All three cards list Cpl Petty as being a member of B Coy 16 DLI, which means he must have gone through all the bitter fighting of the Battalion at Gemmano in the latter half of 1944.

The Army number, 4695014, indicates that Cpl Petty was originally enlisted in the the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, the KOYLI, and transferred to the Durham Light Infantry at sometime after basic training. I would guess that he was a reinforcement who came to the Battalion after the heavy losses at Sedjenane in March 1943.

The 16th DLI Roll of Honour includes several casualties with 468-469 series numbers who would probably have been part of the same reinforcement draft, ‘E’ Company commanded by Major Arthur Vizard, including Sgt D Threadgold MM.

Pte John Petty was reported wounded in action on 3/12/43. This was a very bad day for 16 DLI with a total of one officer killed, Lt Fred Strothard, two wounded Lt Henry J L Harris and Major T G L Ballance, the latter of whom died the next day. Eight Other Ranks were killed on this day, for details of which see this page of the Roll of Honour section of the site.

Cpl Petty was one of seven men who were wounded on that day: Bennett, Pte A C, 5343560; Garrett, Pte M, 4466447; Jackson, Pte Fred, 4758730 (killed in action on 30/1/44); Jessop, Pte D, 4699749; Miller, L/Cpl E T, 4034356; Petty, Cpl John, 4695014; Wadsworth, Pte C, 4616250. Also Milburn, Pte G R, 4468340, was reported missing on that day, but was later reported ‘not missing.’

Petty must have recovered from his wounds and returned to the Battalion since he was obviously back with them when he wrote the card dated 2/11/44. This also also suggests he could well feature on the February 1945 photograph of B Coy, 16 which is posted on this page of the site.

If anyone reading this can supply further information on Cpl John Petty’s war service please get in touch.

J Petty 16 DLI letter 1943
J Petty 16 DLI letter 1943 46 Division design
J Petty 16 DLI 1944 letter