Though the view is of Algiers, this postcard is postmarked 15/2/43, when the battalion was in the front line opposite Green Hill, Tunisia. The officer’s signature is indecipherable. However, it does seem to be the same as one of those on the troopship Christmas Day menu. Could it be Richardson, Kauffmann or, my best guess, Lt R W Chapman? Further details requested.

For a 1942 listing of 16 DLI officers, click here.

NEXT ITEM: Pte Edward’s POW Card from Feldpost 31979, Italy
Algiers postcard, Pte Sefton 16 DLI, view
Algiers postcard, Pte Sefton 16 DLI, message and officer's signature

Pte Edward Sefton, 4464831, 16 DLI, Another Algiers Postcard